I have i grid where after changing the row the 18 drop downs should get 
populated. I ahve writen a piece of code but it populate the value to all the 
drop down. for example i have 2 classes each of them has day assigned to it. so 
when i click on the grid item i only want to see 1 of the drop down populated 
with this date. Instead i get 2 drop downs populated

      <cfloop query="TempQuery">
            <cfif TempQuery.accessType neq ''>
                                    //Set a temp variable to hold the current 
comboBox value 
                                    var temp#accessType#;
                                    //Loop through all the comboBox values
                                    for(var i = 0; i < 
access#accessType#.length; i++){
                                    if (myGrid.selectedItem.accessType == 
temp#accessType#) {
                                    //set the comboBox to the current index
                                    //set temp to the value of the comboBox
                                    //if temp equals the selected clientID then 
stop looping through the comboBox
                                    //alert (myGrid.selectedItem.accessValue);

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