On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Glyn Jackson wrote:

> Also re traffic: it's not a large amount I would agree, but for a small
> ecommerce store it does handle £50,000 of orders per month so for them that
> traffic is very valuable and the cart and order system all written in CF
> must be working correctly.

I was not knocking 5k of traffic.  Most websites don't see that in an entire
lifetime.  I was just pointing out that it should not be used as a
measurement of an application's security.  :-)

> I would really like any links to books and articles so I can learn more on
> CFCs and OO design patterns in CF and how to apply them using CFCs (ps all I
> know currently has been self-taught from blogs and Ben Forta's books)

I don't know of any OO+CF books out there off the top of my head.  Most are
written to cater to other languages such as Java.  Those same principles can
(and should) be applied to CF though.

> Anyway back to the point: if i var-declare all variables regardless, i
> should be ok, right?

Any variable that is not shared between methods should be var'd, yes.

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