I started out that way, but couldn't make a join of any type work...

I tried left join, inner join, join, union, etc, but the best I could do
was get one title with one section.  There should be one title with
multiple sections.

Here's what I tried last:

                            select        *
                            from        success_stories ss
                            left join    success_sections sss
                            on            ss.story_id = sss.story_id
                            group by    ss.title

                            order by    #arguments.sort# desc

How do I need to modify this to get what I need?
(I've been away from the CF and SQL too long!)



On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Jason Durham <jdur...@cti-stl.com> wrote:

> There are lots of ways to accomplish that.  The simplest way seems to be
> with SQL JOINs and group the output.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:r...@whitestonemedia.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1:39 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: What's the best way to handle returning two queries from a
> component for looping?
> Hi, all...
> After a *lot* of work in jQuery, specifically AJAX, I'm finally back
> some
> more *friendly* territory
> with CF again as a focus.
> Anyway, I'm expanding my ability to use cfc methods and have just run
> into a
> situation where I
> need to do a typical "loop one query to get a title" and "loop another
> query
> inside the first query
> to output details from another query", so I get:
> Title 1
>  - details 1
>  - details 2
>  - details 3
> Title 2
>  - details 1
>  - details 2
>  - details 3
> Instead of:
> Title 1
>  - details 1
> Title 1
>  - details 2
> etc...
> This is a no-brainer for standard "on-page" queries, but getting the
> info
> back from a method(s) is a little trickier.
> It's a little dark in the room and so far, no light bulbs have come on
> over
> my head...
> Do I have to return two queries in a struct?  Can I loop the structs as
> I do
> queries?  Is this where methods and
> extend other methods come into play?
> I read part of a chapter online from one of the CF8 books which seemed
> to
> use a getMetaData function or something
> like that to loop over parts of extended functions...I didn't quite
> understand that brief explanation.
> Hoping someone can point me in the right direction...approach to take?
> Tutorial for this?
> Thanks for any advice.
> Rick
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> "Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
> reputation."  Henry Kissinger

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