Thanks, Will!

I don't remember using the "group" function as part of a query like that.
I had always just looped one query around another.  When did the "group"
function show up as a query output function in CF?  CF5?  (Well, I guess
what I get for going from CF 4.5 straight to CF 8...or was the "group"
in CF 4.5, too?)

Another thing that confused me was using <cfoutput></cfoutput> inside the
<cfoutput query = ...>.  At first I left them out thinking you had made a
coding error! (!!! :o)
But when I took them out, the looping didn't work correctly...put them back
in and
it worked fine...strange...(at least to me)....

The help is much appreciated!


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Will Tomlinson <>wrote:

> >I started out that way, but couldn't make a join of any type work...
> >
> >I tried left join, inner join, join, union, etc, but the best I could do
> >was get one title with one section.  There should be one title with
> >multiple sections.
> Rick,
> 1. I would remove the * and reference your fieldnames.
> 2. Remove that group by n the SQL.
> 3. Your query output should look something like this:
> <cfoutput query="getStuff" group="theTitleFieldHere">
> <h1>#someTitleField#</h1>
>  <cfoutput>
>  <p>#theDetailField#</p>
>  </cfoutput>
> </cfoutput>
> See if that works.
> Will

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