Hi Mike,

Many thanks for your reply, great info.

I think I'm 99% of the way to getting it all setup.

I got the admin API:
and have it configured in Helm.

i also set my IPs in the config.cfm and test that the AdminAPIWrapper.cfm
can be accessed (ran it from a browser to check the path).

However, when I try to add a CF DSN I get
Unable to save DSN. Your IP ( is not allowed!

The Helm 3 errors logs show:
2009-07-21 13:03:08 ColdFusionDSN.AddCFDSN 000000000002: Unable to save DSN.
Your IP ( is not allowed!{0}
2009-07-21 13:03:08 Website.IWeb_Execute 000000000002: Unable to save DSN.
Your IP ( is not allowed!{0}
2009-07-21 13:03:08 cCFDSN.AddEx 000000000002: Unable to save DSN. Your IP
( is not allowed!{0}
2009-07-21 13:03:08 HELM:CCFDSN::Add 000000000002: Unable to save DSN. Your
IP ( is not allowed!{0}

I found a posting about adding the IPs to an ip.cfm file, but I can't see
this file anywhere in the CFIDE path. (I even tried creating one and that
didn't help.)

I can't see anywhere in the CFadmin to add IPs other than the debug and
sandbox configs.

Any ideas where I'm going wrong please?

Also, if you have any further info on how you config'd the sandbox, it would
be much appreciated.


Jenny Gavin-Wear
Fast Track Online
Tel: 01262 602013

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kear [mailto:afpwebwo...@gmail.com]
Sent: 17 July 2009 14:59
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Coldfusion 7 and Helm 3

You can set it up in a variety of ways.  We use HELM and CF8 nowdays
but we were using HELM and CF7 not so long ago.

We have some tags disabled by default, but they can be enabled on
request.  When we are requested, we set up a sandbox for the user
requesting it   There are only a couple of functions we will never
enable for anyone, and a few mappings that arent available for anyone
(e.g. "coldspring" and "Modelglue") but once the clients have their
own sandbox, they have a set up very close to their own server (at
least in terms of functionality anyway).

First read the HELM documentation for how to set it all up.

Make sure you have the latest patches for the HELM control panel.  The
first few months of our using HELM to create coldfusion datasources
were error prone - we had to run a function on the database created to
fix a cursor error.   There was a bug in the HELM-Coldfusion
interaction but its fixed now.

Broadly, though, the HELM control panel is splendid.  There are very
few things users want to set up for their sites that arent handled by
HELM.     I think back 5 or 6 years to the control panel we were using
then, and the switch to HELM eliminated nearly all of our support
calls, because clients could set up almost anything they wanted
themselves, any time they liked.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Casey
Dougall<ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Jenny Gavin-Wear <
> jenn...@fasttrackonline.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm installing Helm3 with CF7. Is there anything special I need to do to
>> restrict the use of some Coldfusion tags (file and directory, for
>> or will Helm take care of that for me?
> You should look into sandbox... because I'll tell you right off the bat,
> disabled tags is the one reason why godaddy never worked for my hosting
> needs.
> If you can't use cfcreateobject or cfdirectory it's just a pain...
> BUT I don't understand IF you enable sandbox, select a folder which is the
> web folder of one of your websites as an example IF something like
> cfdirectory is allowed beyond that folder.
> So if you had the main root of your whole IIS folder locked completely. No
> tags, no nothing...
> Sanbox locked down 100% no datasources no tags etc.
> D:\wwwroot
> Sandbox restricted to this folder.allowing all tags.
> D:\wwwroot\siteName
> Does that keep cfdirectory from being able to see below siteName?
> If that's the case I would go this route. You may need to setup these
> settings manually when you add new websites by logging into administrator
> but I believe this is how hosts are doing it.
> Casey

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