Seems simple enough. Right now I've got:

1. Parent page, which is simply a standard record set with an "edit" 
button for each record.

2. Click edit and a window opens with a small update form.

3. Hit "Submit", and the form submits back to an update query on the 
"parent" page and the record is correctly updated.

I'm pretty darned happy just to have it working this far.

BUT - the parent page isn't refreshing, so the updated data isn't 
displaying. I'm currently cheating by forcing a page refresh after the 
query runs, but I know there's got to be a better way.

I'd like the parent to refresh the data in place so if I'm scrolled down 
into hell, I don't have to go scrolling again to find where I was...

I'm still Googling for something that makes sense. Can anybody point me 
towards a simple tuit that will guide me down the correct path?

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