Just a comment:
Personally, I wouldn't spend any of my professional time learning C#. I predict it 
will be just a few short years before Microsoft once again orphans it's own product 
and throws away C# for some other buzzword that has strategic and marketing value at 
the time.

At 04:45 PM 12/12/00 -0500, Dave Watts wrote:
>> I must confess that my original concern seems to be so 
>> adequately captured by Dave Watts' insight into how Microsoft 
>> operates. Yes the market for web application servers is 
>> competitive, and for someone (like myself) who keeps falling 
>> back on CF as a prefered development platform, reading Richard
>> Anderson et al. 's A Preview of Active Server Pages+ (Wrox) 
>> left me a little concerned about whether or not CF developers 
>> will be left behind when ASP.NET becomes a reality. That's 
>> why I was wondering if anyone knew what future versions of 
>> CF had to offer in the face of ASP.NET's code/content 
>> separation, easier extensibility, and its integration with 
>> .NET web services.
>I haven't read that book, and I'm not fully familiar with the proposed
>feature set for ASP+ or its replacement ASP.NET, so I don't know how well I
>can answer this.
>However, I can tell you I've had this argument before. It was a couple of
>years ago, when ASP became available in beta. ASP was going to take over the
>world because it provided easy extensibility through COM, easy integration
>with other MS products (again through COM), and an easy way to separate
>presentation logic from business logic (yet again through COM - building
>components for business logic and gluing those components together with
>ASP). I remember hearing from the time how CF would soon be obsolete.
>At the time (the CF 2-3 product cycle, if I recall correctly), I was a bit
>worried, but not that much, and I stuck with CF, because it let me do my
>work more quickly.
>Now, of course, ASP is out, and it's been very successful. CF is still out
>and quite successful itself, though, demonstrating that even in the Windows
>world, there's room for more than one web application server platform.
>As for ASP.NET versus CF 5, I suspect that things will work out similarly to
>how they did with ASP 1-3 versus CF 2-4. ASP will be the platform of choice
>for Windows programmers who would otherwise do VB/C++/C# and COM programming
>(which is what you need to make use of that "easier extensibility"), and CF
>will be the platform of choice for web developers who want to minimize
>development and maintenance time without wedding themselves at the hip to
>the MS technology du jour.
>> By the way, that remark about "vaporware" understates the 
>> extent of ASP.NET availability. A few web hosts are already 
>> offering hosting with that option installed, some of them 
>> for free.
>That's true. I just got Visual Studio.NET Beta 1 today from MSDN. Of course,
>any code that I wrote with it, I wouldn't be able to deploy for a client.
> From that perspective - the one that counts, in my opinion - .NET is not yet
>a real product.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444
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