Hey John, 

To add a bit of a twist to the great comments Charlie Griefer left,
here's a project you might like to keep your eye on. We haven't
published any code yet, but our hope is to make the "which framework"
question much less pivotal. 

Free Agent

The idea is to create a means by which it would be equally as easy to
write an application that runs across most or all of the popular
frameworks as it would be to create one on top of an individual
framework. Ambitious? Sure. But the hope is that with people thinking
about this kind of work, we'll get more collaboration and more
integration between apps. 

> Maybe someone with a "big" blog can convert this into a poll...?  If so,
> please reply...
> I'm wondering: since Adam's announcement (
> http://cfrant.blogspot.com/2009/11/fuseng-update.html) which is the "most
> important" CFML framework to learn/known (because most CFML shops use it
> and/or will be using it)...?

s. isaac dealey :: AutLabs 
Creating meaningful employment for people with Autism 
ph: 817.385.0301


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