Hey guys, 
I have a site I built where people can sell their used wedding dresses. Lately, 
I'm getting a ton of fraud attempts from the site. Basically, Someone will use 
the site to contact the seller of an item, and attempt to fraud them out of 
their money (bad checks, paying more money than the seller is asking for, etc). 
On the form to contact the seller, I have several safeguards that mostly work 
(CAPTCHA, cfformprotect that stops emails using specific words, stopping emails 
from known fraud email addresses, etc), but many are still getting through. 
Once the fraudster sees one email get through successfully, they send the same 
email to 30+ people). 
Is there any way to allow a single email address (providing the sender's email 
is required to contact the seller and submit the form) to only send 3 emails 
per hour? At least this would cut down on the volume of fraud attempts. 

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