If your site currently allows users to send E-mails directly via the
site, you might want to introduce a buffer that logs all E-mails to
send to a database table, then processes that table on a background
thread using a scheduled task. On that background thread you can do
analysis before sending out the E-mails to identify suspicious E-mails
and place holds on them. If you notice they are all coming from the
same IP address, you can add a system to ban specified IP addresses.
If you notice they are all coming from the same country, you can block
entire countries in your firewall. In my experience, banning entire
counties is quite effective.

If fraud is really a problem you can implement a system like banks,
healthcare providers, and eBay use where you have a secure messaging
system inside of your Web site. Messaging systems are non-trivial to
implement though.

Good luck,
Mike Chabot

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Rick King <kingrick...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> OK, I think I can figure that out. Thanks for the recommendation!

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