I use FCK Editor (now ckeditor) in my CMS - and I have had very good results
with it - as far as my customers being able to edit code. (And myself for
that matter)

But yeah - make sure they use the "paste from word" button - or the code
they paste in will be nasty. Paste from word does a pretty good job of only
pasting the text and not all the extra word garbage...

It also has a pretty good file manager plugin so your users can manage the
pictures on the server...

This will probably be your biggest hurdle - - your users will think they can
cut and paste the graphics from Word into the Editor - and it may take a bit
of education/hand holding to explain how it works. (They will also think
they can upload pics directly from their digital camera and have them show
up "sized" as well... But that is  a different matter altogether.)

- Nick

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