On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Scott Brady wrote:
> I installed the latest version, and I'm pretty unimpressed:
> 1)  I no longer have tag insight (i.e., when I start to type "<cfloop
> ", I no longer get a list of possible attributes). I've checked every
> setting I can find, and can't figure out why.
> 2) Now, when I paste in a line of code (a complete line), CFEclipse
> adds a minimum of 2 tabs to the beginning of that line that weren't
> there before.
> Both of those are incredibly frustrating.

Ja.  Both have been fixed (theoretically) in the latest preview release:


Please feel free to test the preview out, we're hoping to get the next
official release out early next week, and we appreciate the help in
making it the best it can be.

Here's a list of tickets closed for the next release (1.3.6):


If you run into anything, join the cfeclipse group
(http://groups.google.com/group/cfeclipse-users) and give a holler.
We've been rolling out improvements every couple days, but this is the
home stretch for the next release.


Everybody hates a prodigy, detests an old head on young shoulders.
Desiderius Erasmu

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