Not even suggesting it can't be done. Of course it can be done, and with
fairly basic skills. However, I can tell, from at least 2 of the most
egregious offenders, that they are getting links inserted (with success) on
other sites. So it's not just our site.

And yeah, many of the IPs (that aren't spoofed) are eastern european in
origin, or resolve to the Philippines.

Would still like to stop this in it's tracks. Thoughts?


On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Peter Boughton <>wrote:

> > If they are clicking on the email links as well, that's pretty
> > advanced..
> No its not. It's simple.
> A small challenge for a general purpose one, but trivial if you're
> targeting a specific site/application.
> If you know how to use cfpop, rematch and cfhttp, you can throw an email
> validation link clicker together in mere minutes.
> For beating captchas, it depends on how complex they are: a lot of them can
> be beaten by OCR, and the rest can be beaten by cheap labour in eastern
> europe/russian/etc.

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