On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Tom Chiverton
<tom.chiver...@halliwells.com> wrote:
> On Friday 26 Feb 2010, Cameron Childress wrote:
>> By far, the easiest solution is to make your links relative to the
>> current page/directory rather than the root.  Instead of this:
> Well, maybe, but you are incurring a lot of work.

That extra "../" I have to type now and then is offset by the leading
"/" that I never have to type.  Seriously though - it's not more work
one way or the other, unless you are changing a huge complex app to
conform to a different link standard, which I would not recommend.
Alot of framework based applications use a front controller that can
easily (and quickly) be modified to be relative (or not).

> It's better to just use name based virtual hosts in your web server as others
> have suggested - as a bonus your dev. environment will more closely match
> live, which leads to less surprise at deploy time :-)

Eh - I'd say what's better is what matches your development standard.
What's better for you may not be better for me, vice-versa.  I've
found relative links give me a great deal of flexibility and I don't
end up with a buncha hosts file entries everyone on the team has to
manage.  For me, it's much less work. YMMV.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com


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