Maybe you could try to capture the cgi.Server_Name or IP instead?

You may also want to look at the authorizenet merchant management section
though. Login and click on settings. Then select Manage URLs. You'll want to
configure this area.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 1:43 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Howdy,
> I have a simple payment form that submits to a secure page at
> AuthorizeNet.
> Once a customer makes a payment, they are returned to a receipt page on my
> remotely hosted site.  The AuthorizeNet gateway submits transaction
> information back to this receipt page using a form POST method.  The form
> post is originating on their secure site back to my non-secure
> receipt page.
> To prevent anyone from inadvertently accessing the receipt page
> (receipt.cfm) I wanted to check for the http referring page
> (AuthorizeNet's
> posting page) and redirect them to another page if the referrer
> was anything
> else.  This isn't working, the #cgi.http_referer# variable comes up blank.
> Is there a known problem using cgi.http_referer when transferring requests
> between secure and non-secure pages?
> TIA,
> Chris Montgomery             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web Development & Consulting
> Allaire Consulting Partner
> 210-490-3249/888-745-7603    Fax 210-490-4692
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