1) check the datasource in cf admin.
2) make sure the JDBC connectors are the same.  In your case it doesn't seem
like it will be the issue but I would eliminate it as a possibility.
3) check the application.dsn (or whatever you named it).  Make sure it is
correct by cfdumping it.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Phillip Vector

> When I run this on my server..
> SELECT * FROM Accounting Where PromoCode = 'CNJ0009001'
> I get 6 results...
> This is a local Dev server I have set up.
> When i run it at my hosting company, I get 0 results for the same
> exact query. I go in and my external database program confirms the
> records are in there. The page works fine locally, but on the live
> site, it doesn't.
> Before I make a ticket, can anyone confirm perhaps a setting they
> heard of or some such that might be responsible or does anyone have
> any additional troubleshooting steps I may be missing?

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