I know there was a smiley on that but I do feel compelled to respond
with a bit more personal background so folks have context...

Last April I was let go from Broadchoice and essentially went
freelance. Yes, I head up Railo in the US but it's actually an unpaid
position as I build up the US consulting business - and so far I've
delegated almost all the Railo consulting to a handful of trusted
contractors. When I'm comfortable with the business operations, I'll
pay myself a salary. We pay our contractors, we sponsor conferences,
we do some marketing and we support core engineering to develop the
server (funded by our European business).

So having been let go, I'm on Cal-COBRA and my wife then breaks her
ankle and is laid up for nearly two months and in a wheelchair for
nearly another two months. I'm focused on looking after her - and
doing very little consulting.

We lived off our savings for a lot of 2009 and having to liquidate the
assets necessary to do that meant we lost about $17,000 due to
investments being down - on top of the nearly $65,000 we actually
liquidated to cover mortgage, car loans, medical bills ($11,000) and
so on. We were lucky we had savings so we didn't lose our home.

All that said, my wife is a smart business woman and insisted I buy a
(much needed) new computer at the end of 2009 and understands that
software, books and conferences are important to my business. When I
drop a few hundred bucks on a piece of software to improve my
productivity, that's a reasonable business expense.

With our personal loses in 2009, at least a tax refund is in our future! :)


On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, Eric Roberts
<ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> Apparently not all of us make as much as you do Sean ;-)
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Corfield [mailto:seancorfi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:38 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: ColdFusion Builder Released!
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Kris Sisk <ks...@gckschools.com> wrote:
>> $300 cheap for any software? What kind of Kool Aid have you been drinking?
> Since folks have repeatedly referred to Dreamweaver as $300 let me
> correct them and point out DW is $399. Let me also remind folks that
> people seemed perfectly happy to pay $499 for ColdFusion Studio back
> in the day. So here's a CFML editor that does a helluva lot more than
> ColdFusion Studio and is much more code-centric than Dreamweaver (the
> biggest complaints I hear from CFers about DW) and now people are
> complaining that this much more powerful CFML editor is "too
> expensive" when it costs less than both the apparently beloved
> ColdFusion Studio and Dreamweaver (which had HomeSite+ - the re-badged
> CFS product - bundled with it for a while)??
> Might I ask, WTF are you people smoking? :)
>> The issue is that we're already shelling out at least $1200 to Adobe for a
> product that has free products as its chief competition. It would have been
> wise, given that price tag versus the price tag of PHP (or even Railo) to
> give us a free, or at least inexpensive, IDE.
> Hey, I'm the CEO of Railo Technologies, Inc. - the US consulting arm
> of Railo - and I ponied up $299 of my own personal money on Monday
> night at 8:56p PST to buy ColdFusion Builder to use as my editor of
> choice for all my CFML projects (both Railo-based and otherwise). Why?
> Because I think ColdFusion Builder is the best CFML IDE available!
> Yeah, I'd hoped it would be $199 but when I saw it included Flash
> Builder 4 - which I may well use from time to time - I figured it was
> a true bargain and was only too happy to cough up my own dollars for
> something that will make me a more productive developer.
> I can't believe the complaining I've seen over the last 24 hours about
> $299... sheesh, folks probably could have earned $299 in the time
> spent complaining about it... and this from folks who happily spent
> nearly twice that on ColdFusion Studio... I just don't get it.
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://getrailo.com/
> An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood

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