Wow guys thats a lot of info, really useful cheers.

Ive just had a look at HG and cant even get it installed (not a good start), 
keep getting an error message after the install process when eclipse restarts, 
it attempts to open preferences and try's to save the mercurial section.

Any way thats on the Mac, and GIT is working ok (just learning :-)) I will try 
both on the PC next week (time permitting).

I really like the idea of not having to rely on a Central repository,  so 
development can be done with no connection. Is it possible to work with SVN 
like this. So i Have a main SVN repo on a staging server and i also have svn on 
my laptop etc?

(am i right in describing one possible GIT setup as like SVN having a MAIN Repo 
but also allowing the users themselves to have a repo?)

Gonna have a read of the Books Won Lee and Denstar have recomended.

Also a quick question. GITHUB provides the ability to keep a master repo there, 
is it possible to replace GITHUB with my own server? Im guessing you can, but 
could you give me some pointers which is the best way to approach this?

Can i use RDS protocol to import / push the repo?

Cheers really getting into this now.


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