We have a jquery dialog that contains a cfform with the CF rich text
editor.  We're trying to populate it with theColdFusion.RichText.setValue(()
function, but we keep getting an error.

I've verified we're calling the setValue() function properly, and if I make
the div that contains the form not be a dialog, it works just fine.

Does anyone know of any issues with the rich text area and jquery dialogs?
(I don't see why it would matter -- the form field exists in the source code

Here's the basic flow:

1) A user clicks "edit"
2) That calls a function that opens the dialog (with a "loading ..." message
displayed) and calls an ajax request to load data for the form
3) The success function then populates the form (including the text area)
and removes the "loading..." message and displays the form

However, this line in step 3:


results in a JS error:
_38c is undefined
Line 141


Scott Brady

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