yeah, since cf9 uses newer version of ckeditor, some things have changed...

i have seen some rather weird stuff in my tests now with cf9.
i guess it has something to do with the textarea being initially hidden,
and then displayed when the dialog is displayed. this must be causing
some event chain to fire, which happens to make the ckeditor instance
associated with the textarea temporarily unavailable. i _think_ that
maybe the textarea instance is re-drawn (or maybe even drawn for the
first time) only after the dialog is visible (you may have noticed that
fckstyles.xml file is requested only after the dialog is shown), and
that causes the instance to not be defined for a moment.

in any case - if you are still interested - firing the setValue() with a
delay of 1000 ms after the dialog is opened seems to solve the problem
in cf9:

var ta = ColdFusion.RichText.getEditorObject('socialEventDescription');
if (ta) {
  ColdFusion.RichText.setValue(ta.Name, str);
} else {
responseData.socialEventDescription);}, 1000);


On 16/06/2010 00:59, Scott Brady wrote:
> Hmmm .... in that case, I may just go with it.  Our dev environments are
> CF9, but production is CF8.
> It's on an admin page, so I guess I'll just see what happens and make sure
> it works.
> Thanks!
> Scott
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Azadi Saryev <>wrote:
>>  it was actually me who was misunderstanding things!
>> i have misread your question and assumed that you were loading an
>> external page which contained richtext textarea into a dialog...
>> not that i see what exactly you are doing, i have run some tests, and,
>> as you said, in cf9 the textarea does not get the new value...
>> cf8 does not have this problem and works correctly, though...
>> i will play with it some more and post here.
>> Azadi
>> On 15/06/2010 23:49, Scott Brady wrote:
>>> Ok, I'm still having issues following this.
>>> Your suggestion is to run the function when the page loads (ajaxonload).
>>> But, the problem occurs long after the page loads (I can wait 5 minutes
>>> after the page is done loading to try it, and I still get the issue).
>>  And,
>>> putting in an onload handler (either with CF's ajaxonload or using jQuery
>> to
>>> append the handler) has it run when the page has loaded -- before I've
>>> clicked the "edit" button that does the ajax request to get the form's
>>> values.
>>> Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough.
>>> The dialog that contains the form is part of the initial page load (i.e.,
>>> it's a hidden div that, upon the document being loaded, is converted into
>> a
>>> jquery dialog.  Why would that affect when the ckeditor instance is ready
>> or
>>> not?  Even if I wait until the dialog is displayed before populating the
>>> fields, it throws the error, so it's not just because the dialog is
>> hidden
>>> when I try to populate the field.
>>> Alternatively, maybe I don't understand what causes the ckeditor to be
>>> "ready".
>>> Scott
>>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Azadi Saryev <
>>> wrote:
>>>>  the <textarea> element exists on your page, but its ckeditor (richtext)
>>>> 'incarnation' does not.
>>>> thus calling ColdFusion.RichText.setValue() at this stage does not
>>>> produce any results - because it uses ckeditor-specific javascript
>>>> functions to populate the ckeditor instance of the textarea (which is
>>>> actually an ifame, iirc) with content, not the actual <textarea>
>> element.
>>>> Azadi
>>>> On 15/06/2010 22:14, Scott Brady wrote:
>>>>> But the text area exists on the page already.  The empty cftextarea
>> would
>>>> be
>>>>> available by the time the page loads (and the div isn't made a "dialog"
>>>>> until after the page loads).  The whole form exists when the page
>> loads.
>>>>> The ajax is just to get data for populating the form field values
>>>>> themselves.
>>>>> So, I don't think that's the issue, unless I'm misunderstanding you.
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Azadi Saryev <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>  On 15/06/2010 10:25, Scott Brady wrote:
>>>>>>> The success function then populates the form (including the text
>> area)
>>>>>> i assume you are talking about $.ajax() [or similar] jquery success
>>>>>> callback?
>>>>>> that one will fire before the cf's richtext area is fully ready, thus
>>>>>> your error.
>>>>>> what you can do, is move the success callback into a separate named
>>>>>> function (if you have it defined in-line in success: property of
>>>>>> $.ajax()), and then call it using ajaxonload() cf function by putting
>>>>>> <cfset ajaxonload('function-name-here')>
>>>>>> as the last line before the closing </body> tag in your page that
>> loads
>>>>>> inside dialog.
>>>>>> another option is to create a 'listener' that checks if cf richtext
>> area
>>>>>> is ready for use, and only then fire your function that populates the
>>>>>> form. i don;t have code for this as i have never done it this way, but
>> i
>>>>>> think it can be done with setInterval() ...
>>>>>> Azadi

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