That sounds like a good idea.

When CF receives a POST with encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded, 
you can access the URL encoded form fields via getHttpRequestData().content

HOWEVER when the POST is multipart/form-data to handle file uploads, 
getHttpRequestData().content is an empty binary value. Somewhere I read 
that this is done to save memory as that header value would be the 
encoded length of the file being uploaded.

CF has to be keeping the field values elsewhere in this case. Can we 
access that?

On 7/18/10 11:53 AM, Ian Skinner wrote:
> Well, you could get it from the same source that ColdFusion is getting
> it, which is where the Web server got it.
>   From the headers of the HTTP request sent by the browser to the web server.
> Explore the request headers and you should find it.

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