I use URL Rewriting on IIS7 but not with a 404 handler. It seems to me
that if you are rewriting in the webserver layer, why would you
rewrite to an invalid path? I just specify a regex for the rewrite
that says take everything of the form /foo/bar/monkey and rewrite it
to /index.cfm?params=foo,bar,monkey  and then have index.cfm do all my
logic to grab the appropriate content. I also do earlier exclusion
rules that makes sure that /images/* , /styles/* etc aren't rewritten
and grab content directly.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:15 AM, Eric Roberts
<ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> Not to be pain on this, but this is something I would like to accomplish
> today before I leave (last day of contract)...anyone know why the
> 404_handler.cfm that is specified as the 404 handler in IIS is not executing
> in IIS7 like it did in IIS6?  Is there something ese that needs to be done
> in 7 that we didn't need to do in 6?
> Thanks!
> Eric

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