Unless you're testing this under a significant load, such as using jMeter etc., 
this test is essentially meaningless. Loops over thousands or simple page loads 
do not mean anything. I'd look at a more real world test, make sure the HTML is 
exactly the same, structure the code to be similar etc.

Moreover what was the code you used. Until we see it for all we know its a very 
biased test towards PHP, CF or HTML.

>For giggles, I just tried this on my box and got:
>HTML      33 milliseconds (static DataTime stamp and no queries to DB)
>CF      2910 milliseconds (cleared template cache and newly restarted CF
>CF      707 milliseconds (after above run)
>And here's the code I tested.  NOTE: only needed two cfdumps to get to 50K
>page size:
><cfset count = 10>
><cfquery name="Q_GetData" datasource="thedatasource">
>select top #count# * from table1
><cfdump var="#Q_GetData#">
><cfquery name="Q_GetData" datasource="thedatasource">
>select top #count# * from table2
><cfdump var="#Q_GetData#">
><cfquery name="Q_GetData" datasource="thedatasource">
>select top #count# * from table3
><cfquery name="Q_GetData" datasource="thedatasource">
>select top #count# * from table4
><cfquery name="Q_GetData" datasource="thedatasource">
>select top #count# * from table5

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