To answer my own question, I did find this link for using Ajax in CF8:

however, I need to be able to EITHER select from a sub-window OR type in 
some data directly into the form field.

On 11/23/2010 5:41 PM, Rick Colman wrote:
> Here is what I am trying to do:
> a) open a form - several form fields will have an IMPORT button
> b) IMPORT button opens a sub-window (cfwindow) which runs a query and
> displays the query results in a table
> c) select one of the rows in the sub-window with another button. Take
> the data from the sub-window row and punch it into the correct form
> field in the main window. close the sub-window
> d) maybe do this several times for different form fields.
> e) submit the main form
> I have a) and b) working OK with CFWindow. c) d) and e) are a little
> mysterious.
> Can someone point out a resource that might provide some insights?
> TNX.
> Rick

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