> This code looks doubtful to me, for a few reasons:

Most of it is okay...

> (^[[:alnum:]]([._-]?[[:alnum:]]+)*+\@[[:alnum:]]+([.-]?[[:alnum:]]+)*\.[[:al
> pha:]]{1,4}$)
>              ^ no multipler for the opening character?  Does that mean only
> a single alnum allowed before punctuation?  I would expect a "+" inserted
> here.

All this means is that the first character must be alphanumber.  From that
point on, 0 or more characters (the *) can be either .,_,- or 1 or more
additional Alphanumberics.

Oh - I know I have seen emails with + in them  - that's at least one thing
that is missing from the [._-] .  Also, I'm pretty certain I've seen
commas...  There are actually RFCs (the internet standards description
documents) on what is valid.  However note - I know that a similar
type of construct for looking to see if the input string has components
relatively valid for email addresses is considerably more complex, so
I suspect that you are opting for a 'mild' formatting validation pass.
Since the string really isn't a valid email address after passing this
test (since there is no way to tell for certain whether [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
a _real_ user at a _real_ site), I'm guessing the original poster is just
trying to be a bit helpful to his/her users.

>                   ^ what's the significance of the "?".  I'm not familiar
>with "?" as a multiplier.  Looks like it should be left out.

? provides the ability to say "this string might be present - or might not".

>                                  ^ what's the "+" for?  What is is
>modifying?  Could be left out?

I agree here.  I mentioned earlier that it doesn't look right.

> On the other hand, I've never had much luck trying to understand other
> people's REs, so I may be talking garbage.  Anyone who can explain this RE
> to me, please feel free!!

I love regular expressions.  I'm always glad to help out...
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:>
Even if explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should 
be construed as representing my employer's opinions.

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