I'm running a low traffic MySQL install on a micro instance. Works very well. 
But I think you are pushing things in terms of memory with LCDS and CF as well. 
Worth a try though. Or you could use MySQL on a separate instance, but then 
again MySQL is your smallest issue I think :-)

The great thing is you could try it (I hope you're planning on using *nix for 
this as Windows will eat even more resources) and if it does not work detach 
the EBS volume and use a small instance. You do not have to decide up front 
what instance type you want, you can start with one and then upgrade/downgrade.


On 6 Jan 2011, at 19:31, Josh Dura wrote:

> Sorry for the piggyback off of this thread, but I am thinking of running 
> the free micro instance for a year thing to test out a project I am 
> working on (nothing in production :D). I don't have much experience in 
> running a server like this, so I am wondering if it is even feasible to 
> run CF9, LCDS and mySQL on a micro instance? Or would I need to upgrade 
> to one of the larger ones?
> Josh Dura

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