Is this really that big of a deal? Or is that what you are trying to find
out? According to the Adobe folks that sales were strong for CF 8 and that
the market share and/or numbers of developers is growing. Are we just
tormenting ourselves with another round of "CFID" related FUD?


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Sean Corfield <>wrote:

> I saw Blue River (the Mura folks) tweet this today:
> They reference the Washington Post article about the House migrating
> 520 websites from "a mix of proprietary and open-source content
> management platforms" to Drupal.
> The other day, I saw a job post on a CFUG list looking for a Java
> architect with CF experience to lead a migration from ColdFusion to
> Java for a federal agency in the Bay Area, California.
> I don't want to start one of those interminable "CF is dying" threads
> but I am curious as to how many people had seen these stories and what
> they thought in the context of the US government following many other
> world governments in a push for FOSS (Free Open Source Software)
> solutions? I'm also curious about how Drupal and, say, Mura or FarCry
> compare since I'm not familiar enough with all of them to make such a
> comparison.
> The government has always been a pretty strong area for ColdFusion
> (does someone here know how long ColdFusion has been so deeply
> embedded in government? I get the impression it long predates my
> exposure to ColdFusion - 2001). At CFUnited in 2009, a government IT
> guy approached me and told me his department had been mandated to move
> to FOSS and he was researching a proposal to cross-train his team in
> PHP and rewrite all their CFML applications. How many folks here work
> within the government and can comment on this sort of thing?
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. --
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood

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