
One does not have to answer if they don't want to or feel its a waste of time.  
That is the great thing about our country.  I think everybody contributed 
because they had something to say and whether if i agree or not, it should be 
respected.  As with yours, I might not agree but I see your point.  

Also, I might have had a selfish reason in that certain people on this list 
have a certain image of my intents, which can be justified, but my goal is to 
persuade my one goal with cfjobs is to find a good opportunity here in Atlanta 
or via telecommute.  Thats all.


On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Michael Firth <> wrote:
>> Sorry to hear that coming from a CTO of a leading company, but your opinion 
>> is your opinion and I can respect that.  Actually, I have gotten some good 
>> perspectives and while I think it could be cheaper my aim was to get a 
>> discussion going about it because I have been away for a while.  I just wish 
>> you had offered a wider perspective on it.
> Not sure what you're sorry to hear... everything Dave said was spot-on
> (he's more spot-on than Wikipedia).  As far as his (or anybody's)
> perspective... again, it's not necessarily a productive use of
> anybody's time (yours or theirs).  I can tell you that it has "feature
> X", which absolutely ROCKS!  But you might not have a need for
> "feature X", or you just might not like "feature X".
> There's a trial period that allows you to form your own perspective on
> it.  Asking other people "why should I buy it", without having
> downloaded it yourself and trying it... doesn't seem like the most
> judicious use of anybody's time.
> -- 
> Charlie Griefer
> I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love
> my wife. And I wish you my kind of succes

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