I don't know what to tell you Mike, SQL Server doesn't care, it works either

FROM PropImage
   20 = PropertyID works exactly the same as PropertyID = 20

It's just common convention that we use PropertyID = 20

In the internal SQL engine it's just running a logical comparison against
the statement itself. SQL Server is pretty darn intelligent.

Try it.

Now all that being said, I still wouldn't recommend doing things that way,
but it does work.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Michael Firth <mfsqlser...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Alan wrote:
> MSSQL doesn't care if the field is on the left or the right, it's just
> running a comparison against the statement.
> Gotta say thats a first and I have been doing mssql for ten years.  I am
> telling you this is what is causing his error because tsql is not as
> flexible as you think because its procedural and requires you do it in a
> certain way.
> Mike
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Alan Rother wrote:
> > MSSQL doesn't care if the field is on the left or the right, it's just
> > running a comparison against the statement.

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