But all that still leaves us with the question
of how to create a downloadable image file with CF 
that will carry 300dpi metadata with it to
a printer.  Of course, any end user can change
the dpi, ppi, inches, etc., but in Terry's
case, I suspect he wants to avoid that complication
and simply deliver a printable object to end users.

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schnéegans <schneeg...@internetique.com>
[mailto:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans <schneegans@interneti=71?=
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:59 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFImage at 300dpi

 >>Dpi effectively changes the size an image will print at, relative to its
pixel density.

More accurately : dpi is a suggested default setting for the printer that
would eventually print the image so that the image will be printed at the
size specified in the file.
But first, ANY printer will know and be able to set itself its resolution in
order to print an image at a specified size.
Second, it is not the task of the image creator to decide a priori which
size the image should be printed. It is the user's choice.

There are actually 3 things embedded inside a jpeg image:
1. size in inches,
2. size in pixels,
3. pixels / inch
Every database manager will tell you that there is a data redundancy here
and when there is a data redundancy, there is a risk od some contradiction
If you need to specify the size the image should be printed, only the size
in pixels and the size in inches should be necessary.
I know this is a standard, but this standard has been designed by morons.

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