Hi Everyone,

We have recently put together a new CF server, moving from 32 bit, 4Gb RAM
Windows over to 64bit, 16Gb RAM Windows.

We have pretty much done a default set up, and placed the same set of
applications on the new server, and have run in the machine for a bit. After
a few weeks we have been noticing some cracks appear, and we now have some
issues that we have narrowed down to the JVM/CF setup.

Here is the setup on the old and new boxes:

4GB, Dual Xeon, 32bit windows, jdk1.6.0_13

java.args=-server -Xms512m -Xmx1000m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false
-Dcoldfusion.fckupload=true -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=240m
-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Crashed a lot, had out of memory issues once every hour on a good day.

www.hairbodyskin.com.au takes 2,781ms (from FusionReactor)

16Gb, Quad Core, 64bit Windows, jdk1.6.0_13

java.args=-server –Xmx8192m -Xms8192m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false
-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch

Runs great, has no crashes, happily inside memory limits, but runs so slow.

www.hairbodyskin.com.au takes 10,361ms (from FusionReactor)

I must add that this is NOT the only application on this server, there are
many others, mostly built on the same code base, some older some newer.

I would like some advice on how to better adjust my settings - I think this
should be reasonably for those educated in the art because we are talking
(in some cases) a 5x difference in execution speeds.  I am thinking:

1) increasing GC interval to 600000
2) fixing max and min perm size to 1024
3) putting xms down to 4096

Are these sensible? Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Duncan I Loxton

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