Where else to make gains in JVM? You say the server is Quad Core CPU. Suggest 
allow the Garbage Collector  in your case -XX:+UseParallelGC to multi thread 
and use all those cores. The JVM is going to GC so reduce the time of the 
GC’s is desirable especially for the Full GC as part of the cycle is a Java 
stop all processing the shorter the duration the sooner Java / CF can get on 
with other things.

JVM args would then look this:
java.args=-server ...-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 –Xbatch etc

HTH, Carl.

> Hi everyone,
> thanks for all the good feedback.
> Let me first tell you WHY I think its a JVM issue, then show you what
> results I have had.

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