I forgot to mention that Ray Camden has a good blog post about filling in form 
field values with jQuery and Ajax:



> With jquery, no you can call a .cfm page. You just have to make sure 
> the data is in the proper format. Here's an example where what's 
> returned is just plain html:
> <s/cript>
> $('.subMenuItem').live('click', function() {
>       var thelink = $(this);
>       var theURL = thelink.attr('href');
>       $("#contentDiv").load(theURL);
>       return false;
> });
> </s/cript>
> Basically what happens here is that you're telling jQuery that 
> whenever a user clicks on something with a subMenuItem class, you want 
> to extract the value of the href attribute. Then do an ajax call to 
> the href value (in this case vendors.cfm but it could also have been 
> to a cfc). The final step inserts the returned information into the 
> html of the contentDiv. 
> In my vendors.cfm template there is a simple query and some html 
> layout (basically a list of links), but it could have also been json 
> data, xml or javascript. This setup is very similar to what is done 
> with a binding on CFDiv.
> With what you want, I'd have the page return json, then in the 
> javascript function build what you want from the returned json.
> Ben Nadel and Ray Camden have both written a lot on how to use jQuery 
> with Coldfusion. You may want to check out their blogs for articles on 
> the topic.
> hth,
> larry
> >Hi Craig et al
> >
> >Thanks for this
> >
> >So download JQuery and link to the file on your server
> >
> >Does it have to be a CFC?  Its just that I have never used them 
> before -
> >where would your SQL go in the CFC and would it be the same as a cfm
> >page 
> >
> >i.e.
> ><cfquery> select * from emptable where employeenumber =
> >#form.employeenumber# </cfquery>
> >
> >
> >Then after you have queried the database - how would you populate 
> the
> >form fields on the fly with the data you extracted from the database
> >based on what employee number had been entered
> >
> >For example I take it that 
> ><cfinput type="text" id="empname"  name="empname"
> >value="#queryperson.empname#" .....
> >
> >
> >Would not work?
> >
> >
> >Basically the easiest way to do ajax, is the following...
> >
> >1. download jquery libraries, or in your source code refer to 
> different
> >hosting of the jquery libraries. jquery fyi, is javascript libraries,
> >that work cross-browser and make it easier to do things like ajax, 
> and
> >millions of other things.
> >
> >2. Read this and any other article,
> >http://net.tutsplus.
> com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/5-ways-to-make-ajax-ca
> >lls-with-jquery/ to get a handle on how to use jquery.
> >
> >3. create a cfc, that can send/receive data you want.
> >
> >Yes this is a lot to learn, if you've never played with ajax or 
> jquery
> >before. So I will show you some example code.
> >
> >You can either download a copy of the jquery libraries, or refer to 
> a
> >cdn hosted copy on google or jquery.com, or a few other sites 
> hosting
> >jquery libraries for public use.
> >
> >Then you need to create a cfc, which is basically like a coldfusion
> >normal template, except it has functions, instead of normal page 
> logic.
> >
> >A cfc will be like this structure
> >
> >cfcomponent
> >
> >cffunction name="somename" access="remote" output="true"
> >cfargument name=company_id type=integer required=true
> >
> >do some stuff
> >
> >/cffunction
> >
> >/cfcomponent
> >
> >That's a very basic cfc, must be saved as a cfc extension.
> >
> >The 1st key part is making the cfc file in a web-accessible url 
> folder.
> >
> >Then you have to create ajax that will send the parameters it needs 
> to
> >do whatever functioning you need to do.
> >
> >I hope this get's you a good starting point....
> >
> >
> >>Hi
> >>
> >>We are on CF7, not sure if this restricts the amount of 
> functionality
> >>available to me?
> >>
> >>So how would it work - when a user types in their employee number 
> in
> >the
> >on
> >>
> >>your server passing entered employee number as data/argument, which
> >will 

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