I've had clients with HMS (hosting.com bought them?) for roughly 3 
years.  Their "dedicated" solutions seem to be OK, but their shared 
hosting is... well, the norm for CF shared hosting I suppose :P.  It's 
entirely overcrowded.  I've got a nagios alert set up for the only 
shared hosting account we still have with them, and some months are 
better than others.  There is not a week that goes by that I don't get 
paged at least once for page timing out, and sometimes it's also 
pitching out 500 server error messages.

If you're not afraid of Linux, and can migrate from ACF to Railo, 
Linode.com has some truly smashing deals.  I think in the 2 years I've 
been with them there has been one outage (DNS went out for a few hours) 
at the datacenter that hosts two of my VMs.

Matthew Williams
Geodesic GraFX

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