I shouldn't imagine adding cflocks will do much good. The error is to
do with the nature of your collections and the way in which the Solr
server is configured (potentially it's JVM settings and or the server
settings themselves). I think your best bet would be to ask the Solr
folks, they'll be in a better position to help you out I should



On 5 April 2011 16:29, Mary Jo Sminkey <mary...@cfwebstore.com> wrote:
>>Mary Jo,
>>These are options you can set in the INI files of Solr - along with standard
>>JVM options. If you have a high traffic solr install you will need to "fine
>>tune it" to run according to the amount of traffic you have.
> As I mentioned in my other reply, this is *not* happening under load, just 
> with localhost testing, so there seems to be some other reason for it. It 
> seems that if there's a max thread setting, it should wait until one becomes 
> available? Rather than just throwing an error.
> --- Mary Jo

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