<cfquery name="OpenedUpSeats"  dbtype="ODBC" datasource="TrainingBE">
     Select * 
     from OpenedUpSeatsView 
     where account='<cfset zz=writeoutput(session.account)>'

<cfif OpenedUpSeats.RecordCount>

First of all.. This isn't my code, so I know it's pretty bad. The Query doesn't 
error, but when it hits the recordcount, I get the "Element RECORDCOUNT is 
undefined in OPENEDUPSEATS."

Huh? Isn't recordcount ALWAYS a part of the query? Any ideas how to fix this?

For the record, I've also tried this..

<cfquery name="OpenedUpSeats" datasource="TrainingBE">
     Select * 
     from OpenedUpSeatsView 
     where account='#session.account#'

<cfdump var="#OpenedUpSeats.RecordCount#">

and same error.

Any ideas? 

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