ah, added in CF9

Just to rule everything else out..
Go up to the top of the page and JUST put
<cfquery name="OpenedUpSeats"  dbtype="ODBC" datasource="TrainingBE">
 Select * from OpenedUpSeatsView
<cfdump var="#OpenedUpSeats#" abort>

And see what happens.. make sure there's not some flow issue

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Phillip Vector
<vec...@mostdeadlygame.com> wrote:
>>The code looks like this: <cfdump var="#OpenedUpSeats#" abort> ?
>>I have never seen code like this ever or that writeoutput() above..
>>have you tried just
>><cfdump var="#OpenedUpSeats#" />
>><cfabort />
> Same result. It's not the closing of the tags that are messing things up. 
> <cfdump var="#OpenedUpSeats#" abort> is a valid tag. :)

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