Here's how I would approach this. First, if you are dead set on having
the link to the pdf appear as a regular 'pdf' link, create a url
rewrite rule (using either mod_rewrite in Apache, an IIS isapi
extension for IIS, or another mechanism if you are using some other
webserver). The mod_rewrite rule might look something like this (not
checked for accuracy):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^somefakedownloaddir/(.+?)\.pdf$ processPdfRequest.cfm?file=$1[L]

In other words, you can download the pdf by accessing: (or a
more suitable URL should you be using a framework, etc.)

In your 'processPdfRequest.cfm' or somewhere in your request cycle,
you can check access rights and file existence. Then, if all is good,
serve the file using cfcontent (again, unverified code):

<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;
filename=fileNameThatTheUserSees.pdf" /><!--- if you want it to force
download --->
<cfcontent type='application/pdf' file='/server/path/to/my.pdf' />



On 22 June 2011 16:12,  <> wrote:
>  >>The CFML must be compiled in order for Java to execute it
> Sure, but actually I don't want to execute the file, nor compile it.
> Yhe file is actually a pdf file under .cfm extension.
> This is to force execution of an application.cfm first in which I check if 
> the user is authorized to open the file.
> If yes, the application.cfm returns the document with the correct name and 
> headers,
> if not, it returns an error message.
> This way, documents cannot be opened directely.
> I've been using this trick for years, until this morning a user loaded some 
> document containing by chance characters <cf... in its binary part.
> This causes a compilation error, this is how I figured out that the document 
> was compiled prior application.cfm was called.
> I'm affraid I'll have to completely redesign my document retreiving system.

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