>>Now if you are 100% confident that your PDF is being delivered by the
cfcontent tag, then it sounds like you may have come across a bug.

No, the pdf is not delivered in case of an error, since it is a compile error, 
no code is executed.
For years I've been using this trick, and no file even contained any occurrence 
of the string "<CF".
Note that any file containing anything except "<CF" will pass through the CF 
compiler with no problem. It was the case for years.

And it is not a bug in CF if this is what you mean, is is just the way it works.
As I said, it could have been
1. compile application.cfm
2. execute application.cfm... and eventually abort here.
3. compile the requested template
4. execute it

It is rather
1. compile application.cfm AND the requested template
2. execute application.cfm... and eventually abort here.
4. execute the requested template

There may be a good reason I don't know to do things in that order, but it is 
certaily not pure logic.

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