as your are appending to an open file, I would have thought that is the best
way, other than doing it all in memory.
Here are a few things to try.
How about using a database and then exporting the data to a CSV file when
you need it.
Or how about setting up a CSV file as a datasource and writing to that.
And finally, there are some CFX tags around for writing to CSV files, you
could give one of them a try.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Rick Root <> wrote:

> Can anyone suggest ways that might incrementally improve the performance of
> this code?
> I'm using the JavaCSV library to generate a CSV file.  It works pretty
> well,
> but has some difficulty outputting extremely large files (50,000+ records,
> 1800 columns or so)
> (formatted pastebin here:
> <cfloop query="resultSet">
> <!--- write record --->
> <cfloop from="1" to="#numFields#" index="i" step="1">
> <cfset fileOutput.write(
> resultSet[fieldsArray[i]][resultSet.currentRow].toString() )>
> </cfloop>
> <!--- write end of record --->
> <cfset fileOutput.endRecord()>
> </cfloop>
> Thanks for your suggestions!
> Rick
> --
> *The beatings will continue until morale improves.*

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