
Wow... 1,800 columns is a lot... 50k rows not so much. But together you end
up with 90 million total loop iterations (50k outer loop times 1.8k inner
loop). That's a bit excessive :). Sine you are writing to the file with each
inner loop iteration (each column value in effect) you are appending to a
file 90,000,000 times.... so you have to mitigate the number of inner loops
or the number of appends or both. I think I would start by building a string
through concatenation that you then append to the file. Something like

<cfloop query="resultSet">
                <cfset tmp = ''/>

                        <!--- write record --->
                        <cfloop from="1" to="#numFields#" index="i"

                        <Cfset tmp = tmp & delimiter &

                <cfset fileOutput.write( tmp() )>               

                        <!--- write end of record --->
                        <cfset fileOutput.endRecord()>

so you would have 50,000 appends to the file rather than 90,000,000...
although you would still have 90,000,000 loop iterations in total.

I think ultimately you need to "know" the column names - then you could cut
the whole thing down to 50k loops and output the row directly without loops.

<cfloop query="resultset">

<cfset tmp =  col1 & delimiter & col2 & .... and on and on through your

<cfset fileOutput.write( tmp() )>               

            <!--- write end of record --->
       <cfset fileOutput.endRecord()>


It's one of those places were CF falls a bit short of the mark - not great
with truly long import/export requests or really large files. I like Perl
for that sort of thing. Or one of the many import/export tools that go with
a RDBMS. For example MSSQL can output to a file using SSIS.


Mark Kruger - CFG
CF Webtools
O: 402.408.3733 x105
E: mkru...@cfwebtools.com
Skype: markakruger

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:rick.r...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:50 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Improving Performance

Can anyone suggest ways that might incrementally improve the performance of
this code?

I'm using the JavaCSV library to generate a CSV file.  It works pretty well,
but has some difficulty outputting extremely large files (50,000+ records,
1800 columns or so)

(formatted pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/zZVAHdPk)

<cfloop query="resultSet">
<!--- write record --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#numFields#" index="i" step="1">
<cfset fileOutput.write(
resultSet[fieldsArray[i]][resultSet.currentRow].toString() )>
<!--- write end of record --->
<cfset fileOutput.endRecord()>

Thanks for your suggestions!


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