Years ago we moved an App from CF5 to I believe it was CF6 and ran into
issues with one of it's scheduled jobs never being able to finish.  This
job 26 or so LDAP calls that brought down 70k or so records and inserted
them into the database and then did some misc other queries after all that.
 At the time I tried a lot of different approaches to try and just get it
working again and ultimately did something like what you are describing.  I
did actually make it a web service call that was fed I think 50 rows of
records to insert at a time.  This seemed to at least allow the process to
finish running.  Now days I use CFTHREAD though to work around these sort
of issues and had some pretty decent success going that route.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Ryan Duckworth

> Another trick, that is less than ideal, and would require re-writing a
> significant amount of code is to have 2 pages:
> The 1st page would contain the loop and use cfhttp to call the 2nd page
> that actually does the processing.

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