
Most software that allows uploads can also set the filename to the
time and date it was taken. Have you tried this? If so, I presume then
that the filenames stay the same as it doesn't take a new picture?

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 7:54 AM, Mike Kear <> wrote:
> Thanks for all your helpful responses ...
> @phillip:    The symptom we get is that images are uploaded every 30
> seconds ok, but at some point during the day instead of uploading new
> images, it uploads the same image again and again.   The problem is with
> the computer that's providing the images, not coldfusion or the web server,
> but what we're trying to pin down is exactly when this occurs, so we can
> look at what's happening in our network at that time to cause the software
> to hang.
> We know the web server's working ok, and we know the ftp server's working
> ok.   The images are identical, but with different creation times.   So
> that means we're getting 'new' images every 30 seconds, but at some time in
> the day instead of the content being a new snapshot from the broadcast
> studio, it's the same snapshot being uploaded again and again.    If we can
> learn that the software hangs at (say) 2.17am, we can look at what happened
> around the station at 2.17am and work out what's causing the problem -
> either human or IT based.
> That's why we want to pin down at what exact time (plus or minus a few
> minutes) do the images uploaded stop changing each time.   I want to
> compare this current image, with the last one that was uploaded - about 30
> seconds ago,  and see if the image content is the same or not.
> So in short, we know the ColdFusion and web aspects of this functionality
> are working ok, but we want to use it to trace back in our system and see
> where/when the webcam software is going haywire.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Phillip Vector
> <>wrote:
>> This may seem like a stupid question, but what do you mean exactly
>> that the webcam hangs? You mean the software.. right?
>> If it's the software that hangs (since hardware can't really hang),
>> that means it doesn't upload a file or is it a different FTP program
>> that does it?
>> You could always set up something on cfschedule to check the most
>> recent file and see if the time changed on it..

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