I think much of it  overshadows and diminishes what CFML's biggest
advantage has always been, which is simplicity to use and ease to learn,
CFML is itself a RAD Framework for JAVA don;t forget.
If a newbie comes along here they are invariably told to use OOP, use MVC,
use a framework, use cfscript and all the other most complex parts of CF,
which rather defeats the point of using CFML doesn't it.
The average newbie to CF really only needs to learn a handful of tags and
functions to do what he needs on a basic site, even CFC's are not required.
The  frameworks, OOP and MVC topic really belongs in the realm of advanced
developers who need this stuff and enterprise apps, the newbie and dabbler
really shouldn't need to feel pressured into learning this stuff if they
don;t need it.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:00 PM, <> wrote:

>  >>Frameworks exist because they help solve problems
> This is why the "best" framework is the one you design yourself to solve
> your problems.
> Solutions for other people's problems ar not always good for you and may
> even cause more problems you will ever encounter.

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