cfwheels would probably have the lowest learning curve for your team,
whereas coldbox will be a bit of a monster but is better for large projects
and teams and has a ton of cool built in features such as stats and
debugging consoles and ready to go admin ui as well a sthe best
documentation there is.
fw/1 is really intended for small projects, but I guess there is no reason
not to use it for big ones if you don't want all the baggage that comes
with the other frameworks, however is it very lacking in documentation and
it is very much a figure it out yourself option.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Sandra Clark <>wrote:

> So I'm on a new contract and part of the contract requirements is
> converting
> an old fusebox (procedural) app to a newer framework.  I've mostly been
> doing Model-Glue in past few years, but because of the XML setup, it
> doesn't
> seem to be an option here.
> Two of the applications (which are newer) were done in CFWheels and are
> currently running on CF7. The new site will be running on CF10.
> Current developers on the project are not familiar with OO at all (but that
> is going to have to change, because the requirements for the project
> require
> OO).  As well the requirement is for an ORM.  I definitely want a
> dependency
> Injector and the ability to create testing modules easily.  Since I have to
> get the current developers up to speed on OO I'm not too concerned about
> requiring a new framework.
> Eventually, the application is going to have to generate a ton of XML and
> rely on web services for many of its tasks to allow outside services to
> consume its data.
> So biggest contenders are:
> CFWheels, ColdBox and FW/1.
> While I know frameworks are a religious experience to some (I survived the
> original fusebox framework wars), I'd love to see opinions (both pro's and
> con's) for the frameworks I've mentioned especially in relation to any of
> the requirements I've noted above.
> What's your experience with the frameworks both from a development and
> testing perspective along with actually running them in an enterprise level
> environment?
> Thanks for any help you can give me with this.
> Sandra Clark
> By the way, anyone going to RiaCon this year?

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