
I'm maintaining a client's CF server (CF Standard 8 on Win2k3) and have been 
running into a weird problem that I can't figure out.  The website has a number 
of Verity collections defined, all of which are used from a single search 
interface.  The search itself works fine but, every now and then (seemingly 
randomly), a collection (which one also seems random) will seem to stall for 
lack of a better word.  This causes any searches against that particular 
collection to fail with the following error:

               There was a problem executing the cfSearch tag with the 
following collections. Collection (status code): teachers (-1705) <br>The error 
occurred on line 28.

The code on line 28 is simply the cfsearch tag being used to perform the 
search.  The only thing that seems to get around this issue is to delete the 
collection, recreate it, and reindex it.  This gets it working again until it 
once again stalls.  A few times, the CF Administrator wouldn't allow me to 
delete a collection until I had restarted the CF service first but, usually, 
this isn't required.

Any ideas what could be causing this or even where I could begin looking to 
diagnose the problem?  I'm never made aware of the problem until someone tries 
to run a search against a stalled collection so I only get error information 
for the error after the fact.  But none of the logs seems to show anything that 
would cause this either.

Thanks in advance.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC

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