What got you into using Javascript as opposed to
CSS3 Media Queries for Responsive web design?


-----Original Message-----
From: The Dude [mailto:exel...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:34 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

Claude and Kevin, you are gentlemen and scholars. It worked with virtually 
negligible delay in the redirect. 

Its a workable solution for getting the screen vars and loading appropriate 
size jpg images on that basis for
mobile. Thank you for your input. 

>  >>It seems there's no way to avoid the 2nd step either redirect or 
> form post.
> The problem is not with using POST or GET, the problem is using Ajax.
> Ajax is good for many things, but not for this one.
> Just as you first attempt did, the Ajax call will be performed from 
> client side, AFTER the templated is executed and the page read by the 
> browser.
> You cannot do it without executing two steps, but wit redirection, the 
> first step to get the values from the client is invisible for the user.
> Try my code, there are two steps, but you only see one.
> You can make a POST version of the same idea if
> 1. you do not like the idea of having parameters visible in the url,
> 2. you have other parameters to pass to the template.
> Try this code, same idea using a form for redirection:
> <CFIF NOT isDefined("session.screenWidth")>
> <CFIF NOT isDefined("form.screenWidth")>
> <FORM NAME="redirectForm" METHOD="POST">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="screenWidth" VALUE="">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="screenHeight" VALUE="">
> <!--- Add any other values here --->
> </FORM>
> document.redirectForm.screenWidth.value = screen.width;
> document.redirectForm.screenHeight.value = screen.height;
> document.redirectForm.action = window.location.href;
> document.redirectForm.submit();
> <CFSET session.screenWidth = form.screenWidth>
> <CFSET session.screenheight = form.screenHeight>
> </CFIF>
> </CFIF>
> <!--- perform the true task of the template here --->
> <CFDUMP var="#session#">

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