+1 to Gerald's question. Post-cfform, I used Adobe Spry which was pretty
good. Nowadays, I'd like to use a JQuery plugin / lib (as opposed to
rolling my own JQuery), but have not ID'd one yet. Anyone have a favorite?

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Gerald Guido <gerald.gu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Has anyone found a replacement for client side validation that is even
> close to CFform in terms of comprehensiveness of data types it validates
> against? CFForm is pretty freakin exhaustive.
> I looked in earnest (within the last year or two) to find a replacement and
> have not seen anything that would come close to the completeness of
> datatypes it validates against.
> Any suggestions for a client side validation replacement?
> I am not a particularly big fan of pop up boxes nor CFForm itself, but it
> *is* a huge time saver in a crunch time.
> G!
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk>
> wrote:
> >
> > just to break it down a bit further.
> >
> > People that know JS and use Jquery a lot generally wont bother using
> > CFFOREM and CF's built in ajax stuff as they know they can do it much
> > better themselves.
> > The stuff built into CF is great for quick and dirty solutions if your a
> > beginner or want to knock something out quick and not too concerned about
> > how its done.
> > There are however some plusses and minuses on each side.
> > The code CF generates to do cf form validation for example  is rather
> > clunky and repetitive (not good code reuse), however it is only
> generating
> > the code you need so in the grand scale, quite small, but does rely on
> > the existence of the CFIDE folder.
> > Using JQuery or similar would result in better code, and you could have
> the
> > same set of code handle server side validation and client side (via ajax)
> > and you don;t rely on CF or the CFIDE, but there will be much more code
> as
> > you have the JQuery library to include for a start, so this may be
> overkill
> > if your needs are simply and add unnecessary bloat and loading time to
> your
> > page.
> >
> > A lot of people STILL do not even consider server side validation, which
> > allows haxors to bypass all your client side validation by disabling JS
> and
> > potentially hacking your forms, injecting malware/phishing code,
> > XSS attacks etc.
> >
> >
> >

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