try qforms

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Gerald Guido <>wrote:

> Care to share?
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:53 AM, <> wrote:
> >
> >  >>Has anyone found a replacement for client side validation that is even
> > close to CFform in terms of comprehensiveness of data types it validates
> > against?
> >
> > Yeap, I've developped my own client side validation system.
> > At thet time CFFORM did not allow for messages other than in English.
> >
> > I use a home made attribute in any INPUT field, ie:
> > <INPUT CLASS="stdObl"
> >                VALIDATE="Courriel;notnull();email()"
> >                TYPE="text"
> >                NAME="orgEmail"
> >                VALUE="#getitem.orgEmail#" SIZE="70" MAXLENGTH="150">
> >
> > in VALIDATE="Courriel;notnull();email()"
> > Courriel is the title of the field;
> > notnull() means that the field is mandatory;
> > and email() means the content of the field must be a valid email.
> > I have more than 20 validation schemes, including comparison with another
> > field value and uniquenesse of a value implying an Ajax request in the
> > database, etc.
> > But the most interesting thing is that I can add whatever I need whenever
> > I need it.
> >
> >
> >

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