A couple of things come to mind. First is the primary reason I use CF:
Speed of development. CF can be seen as a framework for Java much like
jQuery is a framework for JavaScript. It takes care of the bulk of the
heavy lifting and grunt work so you can focus on writing productive code.

,NET is a lower level language when compared to CF meaning that you have to
take care of a lot of low level chores in order to do something, If you
wanted to open a bottle of wine with another language you would first have
to build the bottle opener, or even smelt the steel, in order to open the
bottle. With CF you call <CFBottleOpener /> and you are done.

Justin James <http://www.techrepublic.com/search?a=justin+james> at
techrepublic.com once remarked that only 25% of the time he spent writing
Java was writing productive code, the other 75% was taking care of low
level pluming so he can write said productive code. There is a phrase down
south that goes "I am fixing to get ready to... " That is what it is like
with lower level languages like Java and .NET you (often) spend a bulk of
your time preparing to actually do something.

Lastly, you have the entire Java Class Library at your disposal. Say you
need to do something that CF was not designed to do or does not do
particularly well you can drop down into Java or use a third party class
library to perform said task.

In short it reduces complexity, and the amount of code that one needs to
write for the same end result. Less code = faster time to market, less
chance for bugs and lowers the cost of development.

Sorry if I am rambling... It is late in the day.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org>wrote:

> > For those of u on this list that have experience with both, can I

Gerald Guido

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